Circular SDK
Network:   TestNet     -     Status:   Live


JavaScript APIs


In this section, we will explore the intricacies of interacting with the Circular Network using our JavaScript library. We will delve into how to integrate and leverage the various methods provided by our JavaScript SDK. A fundamental concept to understand is that communication within the network is not directed at individual nodes. Instead, the entire network is accessible through Network Access Gateways (NAGs). These NAGs play a pivotal role in optimizing the workload distribution across the network's nodes, ensuring efficient transaction processing.

Furthermore, NAGs are responsible for intelligently routing transactions across different shards, simplifying communication while maintaining complete transparency regarding the underlying network topology.

Including Javascript Library

There are two primary methods for including JavaScript in your projects. The first method is to embed it directly within the body of your webpage using a script tag:

<script src=""></script>

The alternative approach is to import the library directly into your script using the 'import' directive.

import Circular from '';




Once the library is correctly included, it's the time to set the URL and key of the NAG (Network Access Gateway) used to interat with Circular.

Circular.SetNAGKey([your key]);
Circular.SetNAGURL([NAG URL]);

The URLs for native NAGs can be found in our SDK documentation, while a list of third-party NAGs will be made available in the future. If you intend to use the SandBox blockchain for testing, you can utilize an empty ("") NAG key.


This method retrieves the content of a specific wallet on a designated blockchain.

    var Result = Circular.GetWallet(Blockchain,

Blockchain should be in hexadecimal format, and Wallet_Address should also be in hexadecimal format, following the pattern 0x.... If the request is succesfully executed, the result will be in the form:

	"Address" : [Wallet Address],
	"Assets" : 
			"Address" : [Asset Owner Address],
			"Amount" : [Asset Amount],
			"EnableSwap" : 0,
			"Name" : "Circular Coin",
			"Price" : 1,
			"Symbol" : "CIRX",
			"Type" : "C_TYPE_COIN",
			"URL" : "",
			"URLType" : ""
	"DateCreation" : "2023:07:22-17:55:39",
	"Nonce" : 30,
	"PublicKey" : [Public Key],
	"Version" : "1.0.1"


This field indicates the wallet's address. It's worth noting that a wallet can exist on multiple blockchains, and each instance may contain different contents. A wallet is considered to be present on a specific blockchain only if it has been registered on that blockchain. NO "0x" hexadecimal identifiers.


This section comprises an array listing the digital assets contained within the wallet on the specified blockchain. NO "0x" hexadecimal identifiers.


The DateCreation field represents the registration date of the wallet within the selected blockchain. Different instances on various blockchains may have distinct creation dates.


Nonce refers to the incremental transaction index used for the next transaction.


This field holds the public key associated with the current wallet. It remains the same across all instances on different blockchains.


The Wallet Version indicates the specific version of the wallet. Newer wallet versions may also include wallet endpoints, which are equivalent to smart contract endpoints.

By presenting the information in this organized manner, it becomes easier for readers to understand the different attributes and their significance within the context of the wallet and blockchain.


To register a new wallet, you must initiate a new transaction. This registration process ensures that the wallet becomes known to all nodes processing a specific blockchain where the wallet resides. It's important to note that this registration transaction is completely free of charge, with no associated transaction fees.


This method exclusively employs the private key for signing the transaction and subsequently discards it. Alternatively, you can opt to use the SendTransaction method, eliminating the need to use the private key. Instead, you can directly utilize the signature, which can be obtained externally through an air-gap hardware wallet (Refer to SendTransaction for details).


This method is designed to return the content of an asset file in JSON format. The asset will be searched by its exact name, so it must be spelled correctly for the query to succeed.

Asset = Circular.GetAsset(Blockchain,

If the request is executed successfully, the response will resemble the following:

Asset = {
        "Address" : [Address],
        "Amount" : [Amount],
        "Blockchain" : [Blockchain],
        "EnableSwap" : [0,1],
        "Name" : [Name],
        "Price" : [Price],
        "Symbol" : [Symbol],
        "Type" : [Asset Type],
        "URL" : [Reference URL],
        "URLType" : [URL COntent Type],

Where the meanings of all the different fields are:

The blockchain hosting the digital asset.

The unique name assigned to the digital asset.

A symbol or ticker used to uniquely identify the digital asset.

The wallet address of the asset owner, which was used to create the digital asset.

The total supply of the digital asset.

The category or type of digital asset.

The URL linking to metadata or additional information about the digital asset.

The type of data or content found at the provided URL.

The price of the digital asset, denominated in CIRX.

A Boolean indicator that determines whether third parties can initiate swaps involving this asset with other digital assets.


The GetAssetSupply method is utilized to determine both the total supply and circulating supply of an asset. The total supply is retrieved from the asset descriptor, while the circulating supply is calculated by subtracting the available supply in the asset owner's wallet from the total supply.

var Response = Circular.GetAssetSupply(Blockchain, AssetName);

The parameters for this function include the blockchain where the asset is registered and the asset's name. Upon successful execution of the request, the response should be in the following format:

Response = { 
            "Total" : [total supply],  
            "Circulating" : [Circulating]  

The available supply for the specific asset is the total supply.

The circulating supply of the required asset is calculated as the difference between the total supply and the amount held in the asset owner's wallet.


The retrieval of a blockchain block is not a transaction, but just a request that is executed by a single node. In some cases it could be required to send the same request multiple times in order to have a copy of the same block from different sources. Any kind of optimization is executed by the application side, depending from the level of certainity required. In order to request a block it is important to specify the blockchain address (that identifies from which blockchain the block is being pulled) and the number of the block required. For this kind of request there is a specific network method:

var Block = Circular.GetBlock(

If the call is successful and the block is found, the returned data will resemble the example below:

Block = {
          "TimeStamp":"2023-05-27 03:33:27:31",

"Transactions":[ { "ID":"bb5bdf8a8...91c7d15711a", "From":"6c0f8fc21...7e75aba672916c45d", "To":"e9ac19baf2afb...11755442fe2b8", "Timestamp":"2023:05:26-23:23:44:153", "Type":"C_TYPE_TOKEN", "Payload":"...", "OSignature":"30450221...c953949de12d99c", "NodeID":"7bb5bd50729...70a452d1abe1c4", "TransactionFee":"0.001000", "GasFee":"0.200000" }, ... ] } }, "Hash":"000c4b909d...b8dea8ca426", "Signature":"3045022046e...e5e6dfb78ca38d230" }

Represents the block's height or block index within the blockchain, where the genesis block has a height of 0.

This is the address of the blockchain containing the block.

Represents the number of iterations required to calculate the block hash with the assigned difficulty, which is determined by the number of consecutive zeros at the left end of the hash.

Block hash calculated using the SHA-256 hashing function.

The previous block hash is calculated using the SHA-256 hashing function.

The node that has successfully mined or minted the block.

The signature of the node that has successfully mined or minted the block.

The timestamp indicating when the block was successfully mined or minted.

The block payload, also known as transactions, refers to the data or information included in a blockchain block. It typically consists of a collection of transactions that record various activities on the blockchain, such as transfers of digital assets or smart contract executions.

The list of transactions contained in a block represents all the individual transactions that have been included in that specific block on a blockchain.


Requesting the content of a wallet should not be regarded as a transaction. This distinction arises from the fact that such a request is handled by a single node and does not impact the global state of the network. Transactions, on the other hand, are actions that do influence the overall network state. When we refer to "affecting the global state of the network," we mean that the requested action results in a change of state and requires the execution of an operation by all nodes in the network or a specific subset of nodes. Transactions are typically employed for various purposes, including altering the contents of a wallet, executing a smart contract, or creating/modifying/destroying assets on the blockchains. Transactions serve as the primary mechanism for performing these diverse operations, and they involve several parameters to achieve the desired outcomes. To submit a new transaction, we use the SendTransaction structured as follows:

bool Circular.SendTransaction(


Represents the hash of the transaction. TYpically it is calcuated as:

ID = "0x" + sha256( From + To + Payload + Timestamp)

where From, To and Payload are in hexadecimal representation without the "0x" identifier.
The ID will contain the "0x" hexadecimal identifier.


This field represents the wallet address of the entity submitting the transaction, excluding the "0x" hexadecimal identifier. It's important to note that the wallet address must be previously registered on the selected blockchain. Additionally, the wallet is required to maintain a sufficient balance of CIRX coins to cover the transaction fees associated with the specific transaction in question. These transaction fees ensure the smooth processing and execution of the requested transaction.


This field represents the wallet address of the entity receiving the transaction, excluding the "0x" hexadecimal identifier. If the specific transaction does not require a recipient address, then this field can be equal to the submitting address.


Transaction timestamp in format YYYY:MM:DD-hh:mm:ss in UDT timezone


String in hexadecimal format without the "0x" hexadecimal identifier (base64 is also accepted).


Nonce value for the current transaction. Before submitting a new transaction, it is important to retrieve the current Nonce value from the submitting wallet and use it in the transaction. Please, refer to the Get Wallet Nonce section.


Signature of the transaction ID in hexadecimal format, without the "0x" identifier. The signature is obtained using Elliptic curve algorithm Secp256k1 (more cryptos will be available soon).

Signature = signMessage( ID, From_PrivateKey );


The public key of the "From" Wallet is included in the transaction to expedite the initial transaction pre-validation process. This inclusion eliminates the necessity to access wallet files to retrieve the public key during this phase, streamlining the transaction's efficiency.


Blockchain Address where the transaction is sent, without the hexadecimal identifier.


Types of transaction:

Transaction in native coins (CIRX) without the use of Hyper Code (Smart Contract).

Transaction in specified tokens without the use of Hyper Code.

Transaction involving generic digital asset that is not represented by a token.

Tranasction where the payload doesn't require any processing and it is just a generic string.

Transaction used to register a new wallet on a specified blockchain.

Transaction to deploy a new Hyper Code Program.

Transaction to call a specified endpoint of a Hyper Program.

Unspecified type, tha is defined by the user (not available yet).

If the request is successfully executed, it will return "true"; otherwise, it will return "false."


This helper function takes care of signing a transaction using the elliptic curve Secp256k1, which is the default cryptographic method used on Circular. The function is used as follows:

var Signature = Circular.SignMessage(PrivateKey, Message);

This function is employed to acquire transaction signatures before submission. It necessitates the utilization of a wallet's private key to sign the message.


This helper function takes care of retrieving a timestamp in the format managed by Circular (YYYY:MM:DD-hh:mm:ss) :

var Timestamp = Circular.getFormattedTimestamp();

Transferring an Asset

This specific transaction type is intended for transferring a specified amount of an available asset from one sending wallet to a recipient wallet. In this scenario, the transaction body and payload will be structured as follows:

var From = [From];
var To = [To];
var Timestamp = Circular.getFormattedTimestamp();
var "Payload" = '{
                   "Asset":[Name of the Asset],
                   "Amount":[Amount to be transferred],

var ID = "0x" + sha256( From + To + Payload + Timestamp);
var Nonce = [Nonce];
var Signature = Circular.SignMessage(PrivateKey, ID);
var PublicKey = [PublicKey];
var Blockchain = [Blockchain];
var Type = "C_TYPE_TOKEN"; 

For this specific transaction type, the Payload undergoes parsing and processing to execute the intended operation. In this case, the operation is a CP_SEND transfer, where the asset specified by name is moved to the "To" wallet. If the asset being transferred is the native coin "CIRX," the transaction type is labeled as C_TYPE_COIN. For all other tokens, it is identified as C_TYPE_TOKEN. For CIRX coins the Asset name will be "Circular Coin". The amount to be transferred is represented as a floating-point number with double precision, signifying the quantity of the asset destined for the recipient wallet.

The "fee" field allows the sender to include an optional fee, indicating their willingness to pay to expedite the transaction's inclusion in the next block. If the fee is set to zero, a nominal fee is applied, granting the transaction the lowest priority in block inclusion. Please note that even with an additional fee, there is no guarantee of immediate inclusion in the next block. Subsequently, the payload is converted into a string format and must be encoded in Hex without the "0x" hexadecimal identifier.


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